Best Vitamins for Fertility

Best Vitamins for Fertility

Vitamins aren’t just for pregnant women. If a woman is trying to become pregnant and wants to boost her fertility, the right amount and type of vitamins will benefit her reproductive health. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Folic acid

One of the most familiar vitamins for fertility is Folic Acid. Folic Acid can be taken as soon as a woman decides she wants to start trying to conceive. It helps promote general fertility and is shown to prevent birth defects such as spina bifida. But this vitamin is not only good for women; it is shown to promote healthy sperm counts in men. Good sources of Folic Acid are vegetables such as broccoli and spinach.

Vitamins B6 and B12

Vitamins B6 and B12 are also good for fertility. B12 aids in a man’s sperm count and B6 is good for overall reproductive health in women. Vitamins B6 and B12 can be found in fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, fish, and poultry. Vitamin B12 improves the lining of the uterus, which helps implantation. Vitamin B12 helps with ovulation.

Vitamin C, D and Zinc

Vitamin C is another vitamin that is good for sperm counts. Not only is Vitamin C good for sperm counts but it also helps women who have low progesterone. Zinc is a mineral that helps with the production of testosterone in men and estrogen in women. Vitamin D insufficiency also have links to infertility. Vitamin D can be found in eggs, fatty fish, and even sunlight.

Prenatal vitamins

Ample amounts of vitamins are crucial to early fetal development. This is why doctors prescribe pre-natal vitamins and it is also why women who want to conceive start a pre-natal vitamin prior to conception.

Fertility vitamins

However if one is having troubles with conception, there are many brands of vitamins that are geared towards fertility and often contain herbal supplements as well. Fertibella ConceiveEasy is one example. It contains Vitamins C, E, and the same dosage of folic acid found in the standard pre-natal vitamin. Vitamin E helps the quality of a woman’s cervical mucus, enabling the sperm to swim better. However, what separates it from a pre-natal vitamin is the fertility boosting herbs it contains. There is also a Fertibella for men that is geared towards supporting healthy sperm counts.

Consult your doctor

Fertility vitamins are a great way to enhance your fertility while trying to conceive. However, if you are undergoing fertility treatments it is wise to consult with a doctor because some of the herbs contained in the supplements may not mesh well with drugs such as Clomid or Ovidrel.

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