What is a Chemical Pregnancy?

What is a Chemical Pregnancy?

What is a chemical pregnancy?

To say it in simple words, a chemical pregnancy is an early miscarriage. A miscarriage very early in the pregnancy is described as chemical pregnancy in clinical terms. In this case, the pregnancy test is positive but it so happens that even before the heartbeat of the baby is detected through ultrasound, miscarriage occurs. These days, there are ultra sensitive pregnancy tests to satisfy the enthusiasm of many couples. However, there is a huge downside to this. Through these ultra sensitive pregnancy tests, a chemical pregnancy is detected. The same is generally not detected when the test is taken after waiting until the missed period or until your period occurred. Such incidents can bring you lots of joys and then take those joys away from you in an instant. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Common occurrence

The saddest part is that chemical pregnancies are really common today. Did you know that around sixty percent of the first pregnancies are chemical pregnancies? The reason why many people don’t know of this is that many women don’t even realize that they were pregnant and had a miscarriage. Isn’t it better to never know about it than to think you are pregnant and then have your happiness taken away from you?

Causes of chemical pregnancies

All things aside, you may be wondering about the reasons behind a chemical pregnancy. Usually, chemical pregnancies are a result of chromosomal problems in the unborn baby. Another reason may be that the uterine wall is not thick enough. There are also many uterine abnormalities or obstructions in the uterus such as fibroids that can cause chemical pregnancy. A genetic defect that has been passed down to the fetus is also another reason. More reasons include incompetent immune system, low hormonal levels, and the luteal phase defect. Another surprising reason, according to some research, is the use of dye. To stay away from the risks it’d be ideal to stop dyeing your hair once you decide on getting pregnant.

Prevention of chemical pregnancies

In most cases you can’t prevent chemical pregnancies. However, if you have had a chemical pregnancy, you should talk to the doctor so as to come up with effective treatment to avoid it from happening again. There are a few treatments that you could try out. One good treatment is taking vitamin B6 supplements everyday. The dosage is around 50mg per day. You could also try using progesterone cream. Baby aspirin is another option.

Check with your doctor

However, it is not ideal to simply pick up one treatment and go with it. Sit down with your doctor and discuss the problem with her. She will be able to tell you what to do and how so that you ensure that you don’t have any chemical pregnancies in the future. The doctor will tell you what to do based on the problem. For example, if you have fibroid tumors, you may need a surgery. If the reason is an infection, you will need antibiotics.

If you have had a chemical pregnancy, it’d be ideal to wait for a month or for a complete menstrual cycle before trying to conceive again.

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