Estrogen Levels and Getting Pregnant

Estrogen Levels and Getting Pregnant

Estrogen is the primary reproductive hormone in the female body, therefore making it a crucial component in a woman’s fertility. In order to understand how estrogen works, one must look at the basic stages of a woman’s reproductive cycle. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Menstrual cycle

There are two phases of a woman’s cycle, the total length being the standard 28 -32 days long. The first phase is the follicular phase. The pituitary gland begins releasing the Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) at the beginning of the cycle. The follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), causes the follicles in the ovaries to begin to mature, this triggers the release of estrogen. As estrogen rises, it triggers the LH surge, also known as the Lutenizing Hormone. At this point estrogen levels peak and the hormone progesterone increases. This begins the ovulatory phase. Estrogen declines if the egg is not fertilized and a new cycle begins once the uterine lining is shed.

Hormonal balance

The delicate balance of hormones is the key to a healthy cycle in a woman. An excess or lack of the hormone estrogen can cause infertility. Too much estrogen can cause irregular periods, weight gain, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis. Both polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis are diseases that can lead to infertility. Also, the production of estrogen can speed reproductive maturity.

Estrogen deficiency

On the opposite end of the spectrum, an estrogen deficiency can also cause problems. Inadequate amounts of this vital hormone can inhibit ovulation by not having enough of the Lutenizing hormone (LH). Excessive exercise and being underweight can cause low estrogen levels and therefore cause the pituitary gland to not function properly.

Problems with high estroger levels

Estrogen is the dominant reproductive hormone in women for a reason. By that reasoning, too much of this hormone in a man can also cause fertility problems. High estrogen levels in men can cause problems such as erectile dysfunction and low sperm motility.

Xenoestrogens and BPA

There are measures that both men and women can take to make sure that he or she has the hormone estrogen in its appropriate amount. Men can avoid Xenoestrogens. “Xenoestrogens” means foreign estrogens. These are estrogens are a type of xenohormone, which imitate the effects of estrogen. Xenohormones are mainly found in industrial compounds such as BPA’s, PCB’s, and Phthalates, to name a few. For example, BPA’s are found in the lining of most food and beverage cans. This is what it means when a see a label on a product, like a sippy cup or water bottle, for instance, that says “BPA Free”. PCB’s were banned in 1979 but are still found in the environment and phthalates can be found in certain lotions and cosmetics.


For women, whether the problem is too little or too much estrogen there are numerous herbal remedies, such as Vitex, that can help regulate the hormones, including estrogen in a woman.

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