Foods to Improve Fertility

Foods to Improve Fertility

This might sound like a crazy topic to discuss; however, it is true some foods do help to improve your fertility. These foods may help you relax, or balance your hormones. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

There are even two lists, one for men and one for women. Both performing the same types of functions.

Fertility foods for women

These foods offer the most fertility-boosting properties and should be added to the diet of any woman trying to conceive.

-Wheats: vitamins & fiber
-Plant Protein
-Full-Fat Dairy
-Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
-Omega 3 rich foods: helps baby’s brain development
-unsaturated foods
-Fish: protein
-Iron enriched foods: prevents you from being so tired
-A lot of water: clean healthy body
-Prenatal Vitamins
-Folic Acid: at least a consumption of 400 micrograms per day

For the most part these are just “duh” moments. They do help increase your fertility. How do they help you ask? Mostly by getting you healthy! Simple as that. The healthier you are, the better your chances are of conceiving.

Fertility foods for men

For men, there are a number of foods that should be consumed to help aid in improving his fertility.

-More Calcium
-More Vitamin D
-More Zinc
-More Vitamin C
-No Alcohol (or very little)
-More Folic Acid
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Fruits and Vegetables
-Pomegranate Juice

Things to avoid

While there is not a study that fully confirms the connection between dieting and fertility, it is strongly believed to go hand in hand. This is not a far off cry from the reality that being healthy does indeed help your body stay well balanced and a well balanced body does indeed become pregnant quicker. Unless of course there is something more going on in your body that needs to be addressed by your doctor.

Things to Avoid:
-excessive caffeine
-artificial sweeteners
-food binges
-not getting enough sleep
-over exercising

These things can not only damage your health, but they do put a damper on your fertility chances as well. Some may be considered “addicting” but they can be broken and replaced with the good things that your body and baby need to make a conception and full term labor.

Consult your physician

Speak with your doctor prior to trying to conceive. When you feel that you are ready to try to get pregnant, it is good to let your doctor in on that news. He or she can help you find the perfect weight for you and tell you what he or she thinks you should do to get to that weight as well as what to eat to stay a healthy weight. This is also a good decision if you are trying to make any big life changing decisions in order to do so. In moments like that your body can undergo stress which also causes problems with your fertility.

There are ways to prepare your body for a baby, take the proper precautions and speak with your doctor.

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