Getting Pregnant after a Chemical Pregnancy

Chemical pregnancies are just as bad as miscarriages and abortions for many women. Having a chemical pregnancy is nothing short of losing your unborn child. You don’t have to worry about it because you can get pregnant even after a chemical pregnancy. Thinking that history will repeat itself is a negative thing. Why be so negative? Be optimistic and think that you will have a baby successfully next time around. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

In order to increase your chances of getting pregnant after a chemical pregnancy, you should first understand what a chemical pregnancy is and why it is caused.

Cause of chemical pregnancy

A chemical pregnancy is a very early miscarriage. Some women don’t even realize that they were pregnant and a miscarriage occurred.

Chemical pregnancy is mainly caused because of an abnormal embryo. An abnormal embryo will not be able to implant into the uterus and thus, it won’t develop as it should. This is just one cause. There may be other causes too.

The point is that no matter what the reason may be, you should not think that you won’t get pregnant at all in the future or you will have a problem yet again. There may have been a small problem that resulted in a chemical pregnancy and you shouldn’t think that something is wrong with you.

Just keep trying.

Treatment of chemical pregnancy

There is actually no specific treatment for a chemical pregnancy. However, it is important to differentiate between an ectopic pregnancy and a chemical pregnancy. For this, the hCG levels are checked. If they are completely zero or nil, it is a chemical pregnancy. If the levels are lower than what they should normally be during pregnancy, it is an ectopic pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy needs to be tended to immediately because it is extremely serious.

Consequences of chemical pregnancies

Since they occur very early in the developmental stages of the embryo, they leave no long-term or severe effects behind.

Bleeding occurs for sure after a chemical pregnancy but that is more or less like your normal menstrual cycle. In some cases it may be heavy but don’t go thinking that this will hamper your chances of getting pregnant ever again!

Chances of chemical pregnancies

Not many women are actually aware of it but chemical pregnancies are really common! They go undetected usually and that is why many women think that such a miscarriage is rare. Did you know that research has shown that about 70% of women have chemical pregnancies? Shocking, right?

You should note here that you are not the only one. Most women have chemical pregnancies but go on to have babies successfully. Why shouldn’t you, then?

Getting pregnant after a chemical pregnancy

Wait for about a month after chemical pregnancy and start trying again. This one month is needed by the body to recover from the chemical pregnancy and to become normal. After a month you can try without problems and there is absolutely no reason for you to be afraid. Just time your sex right and be healthy. You will successfully get pregnant and have a baby soon.

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