How to Spot the Signs of Labor

How to Spot the Signs of Labor

When you are nearing the end of your pregnancy, it can be hard to know what a regular normal ache is and what a sign of labor is. Especially if you are in your first pregnancy, you might not have experience with the signs and symptoms of labor, so it is important to read about them so you will know when you are experiencing them. Read more for the signs of labor and how to spot them. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Vaginal Discharge

In the weeks leading up to delivery, a woman will notice an increase in vaginal discharge. Light spotting between weeks 37 and 40 of pregnancy could be a sign that labor is starting. Vaginal discharge that is pink or bloody is known as the bloody show. During pregnancy, a thick plug of mucus blocks the cervical opening to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus. When your cervix begins to thin and open, this plug might fall out. Losing the mucous plug is among the telltale signs of labor, but it’s not a guarantee.


One of the oldest signs that labor is imminent is the urge to “nest”. No one really knows what causes nesting, but it is the mother to be’s urge to clean, organize and get all things settled before the baby’s arrival. Nesting is usually strongest in the days leading up to delivery.

Water Breaking

When a woman’s water breaks, also known as the rupture of the membranes is one of the telltale signs of imminent labor. Not every woman’s water breaks in a huge gush like it does in the movies, either. Some women notice a small little trickle, some a steady stream, and some a huge gush. It’s important to talk to your doctor right away if you think your water is breaking or has already broken.


Women who are preparing for labor often have fake, “practice” contractions known as Braxton Hicks. Braxton Hicks contractions are the body’s way of warming up for labor, but the difference between these practice contractions and real contractions are usually obvious. Real contractions last between 30 and 90 seconds, are regular, and do not stop or ease up.

Cramps and Back Pain

Back pain and stomach cramps are also very common as a woman gets closer to time to give birth. This is due to muscles and joints shifting in preparation for giving birth. Along with this, diarrhea is also common in the days leading up to delivery. You might also notice your joints feel looser as your body prepares for you to give birth.

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