Luteal Phase Defect

Luteal Phase Defect

Many Americans struggle with infertility; this can be caused by a wide range of issues that stem from either the male or female. One of these issues is known as a luteal phase defect (LPD). What is luteal phase? What is the luteal phase defect? What causes it? Is it treatable? How does this affect my fertility? Below you will find the answers to all of these questions. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

What is luteal phase?

Luteal phase is the length of time in between a female’s ovulation and the beginning of her menstruation. On average this time lasts between 10 and 17 days. It may exceed this time with little to no complications for pregnancy. During this time period the egg travels into the uterus to be implanted and attach itself to the uterine wall.

What is a luteal phase defect?

A luteal phase defect is when the time between your ovulation and menstruation is 10 days or less. With such a short period of time the egg does not have enough time to attach itself to the uterine wall before the walls begin to change and prepare for menstruation, thus causing an early miscarriage.

What causes the luteal phase defect?

There are many common reasons for a luteal phase defect. Your doctor may help you discover which of these problems has caused your defect and he or she may have other options available for you.

-Inadequate follicle production
-Low progesterone levels
-Uterus does not respond properly

Treatment options – over the counter

Yes. There are multiple routes that can be taken once it is discovered that you have a luteal phase defect. Over the counter medications such as vitamin B6 is a great first option to lengthening your luteal phase. If this is taken continually over the course of a month, it will lengthen the luteal phase in general. Progesterone cream may also be purchased at drug stores. Use as directed, consult your doctor before using these medications. If these do not work, you may wish to try Fertibella ConceiveEasy which contains an entire B-complex of vitamins as well as other herbs and minerals especially noted in lengthening a short luteal phase.

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Treatment options – prescription

If these over the counter medications do not work for you, or if your doctor chooses to go against those- there are also prescription medications your doctor may provide. One of the most common medications for this is an oral drug known as “Clomid.” Another is a suppository for progesterone that is inserted directly into the vagina. Your doctor will discuss these medications with you as needed.

How does this affect my fertility?

As stated earlier, if the lining of your uterus begins to break apart to prepare for your normal period, then an egg cannot fertilize and latch on there. This causes bleeding which in turn forces the egg out, thus a miscarriage. This is the biggest problem with luteal phase defect and fertility. If there is enough progesterone but the lining of the uterus is not thick enough, this too can cause a miscarriage. The embryo then cannot attach itself and is passed by the oncoming menstrual blood.

While this is a lot to take in at one time, it is good to know what to expect when dealing with infertility. Educate yourself, read online, and speak directly to your doctor. There are ways around the luteal phase defect, but you have to be open to the option of medication.

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