PCOS Treatment Options

PCOS Treatment Options

PCOS can be something that causes a great deal of stress especially when we are trying to determine what PCOS treatment is best for us. This disorder deals with the imbalance of hormones and because of this imbalance the menstrual cycle and ovulation are often times irregular. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

The possible treatments

This disorder comes with many complications that a doctor will be able guide you through. You should not forget you’re not alone as more than five million women in the United States suffer from this disorder as well as young girls as young as eleven years old. The first treatment recommended by physicians is weight loss. By changing your lifestyle and adapting to a different way of life your body can adapt better to the insulin it is producing. By doing this your body can go back to regular operations such as regular menstruation. By doing this one can begin to ovulate again and have more of chance of ovulation. You can figure out if weight is a factor by having oneself properly weighed and then checking you BMI on a chart.

“The pill”

Those who are not interested in having a child, the first option a doctor will suggest is the use of the contraceptive pill. ‘The pill’ contains a combination of estrogen and progesterone which aids in regulating a woman’s hormones. Some women do not like to get their menses but one should remember it is essential to a healthy body.

“Provera” medication

Those who have gone without a period for some time will be prescribed a medication called ‘Provera’ which will essentially induce bleeding. This medication will be taken for no more than ten days and one will need to take a blood test to confirm you are not pregnant before starting it.


Alternative treatment may be acupuncture. There has been links between the two to show positive outcomes. It has shown to induce menstruation and help others ovulate. Be sure to speak with your primary physician to be sure you visit someone with the correct medical licensure.


In the most severe cases of PCOS a woman may require surgery. Surgery is never the first choice and often is not required. The procedure is called Ovary Drilling. Ovary Drilling is when a qualified doctor makes small incisions on the abdominal area to insert a small camera so that the doctor may have a view of the internal organs.

Please remember that you have PCOS Treatment Options that are available to each one of you. Speak with your physician about any questions you may have. Remember it is okay to get a second and sometimes third opinion. Your health is very important.

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