Recurrent Miscarriages

Recurrent Miscarriages

20% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. A miscarriage is labeled as a loss prior to 20 weeks pregnant, most of which will happen before week 12. Recurrent miscarriages are also known as “habitual miscarriage” which means three or more consecutive losses. If you have had a minimum of three miscarriages then you only have a 60% of having another miscarriage in your next pregnancy; you should seek medical testing as soon as possible if you are wanting to try again for another child. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

There are many reasons that you may have recurrent miscarriages, below are the most common. Your doctor can help you figure out which one is your cause with a few tests we will discuss later.

Genetic Chromosomal Defects

This is something that is not actually passed down from the mother or the father. Only 5% of miscarriages will be something that was passed down from the parents. Rather something that just develops in that baby.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is an imbalance in the hormones that can cause early miscarriage.

Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune Disorders are antibodies that are in your bodies to fight off infections. However, if you have a disorder, your antibodies may attack the growing embryo and tissue.

Luteal Phase Defect

A luteal phase defect is when you do not have enough time between your ovulation and period. If you have less than 10 days your pregnancy could be ended early by the oncoming period due to the walls of your uterus changing and not allowing the attachment of your fertilized egg. This is called an early miscarriage, and may not even be noticed unless taking a very early pregnancy test but seen as the simple onset of your period.

Uterus Abnormalities

Uterus Abnormalities are anything from a double uterus to scar tissue. This is up to 15% of recurrent miscarriages cause.

There are a few treatment options for habitual miscarriages that you may discuss with your doctor. He or she will discuss all options with you and make the best decision for your health from that point. Tests may need to be run first. Here is a brief list of what may be available to you.

Imaging Test of the Uterus

A dye is injected into the uterus and scans are performed to determine the shape of the uterus, if any scar tissue is present, or any other problems that could be causing the miscarriages.


A scope is inserted to get a clear picture of your uterus and some problems may be fixed while your doctor is already in there.

Blood work

Most things now can be found with the right blood work. Such as thyroid panel, gene mutations, and even progesterone.

Fetal Tissue Karyotyping

This can only be done if a dilation and curettage (d and c) was performed after the previous miscarriage. It tests the tissue that was removed from that miscarriage for any obvious problems.

In the way of a cure, there is not any. In-vitro fertilization is an option so the best egg and sperm can be placed together and embryos can be watched to determine the most likely to live in the womb and then placed there. However, there is not currently a medication to aid in the effort or curing recurrent miscarriages. Please speak with your doctor if you are having these problems with pregnancies.

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