When Do I Need to See a Fertility Specialist?

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Infertility is rather common amongst females between ages 15 and 44. 1.5 million in America alone, this does not include males within the United States. The numbers are astonishing. How do women cope with this? What steps should they take? Below is a brief rundown of how things should work in these situations. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Have a preconception check-up

First and foremost, set up a preconception check-up with your obstetrics and gynecologist (OBGYN). This can get you started off on the right foot with your health and what will be baby’s home for 9 months. At this visit, you will discuss regular periods and ovulation, along with many other things, that helps the doctor determine how your body works compared to others. This visit is important if you are going to actively plan a pregnancy.

How important is Preconception Counselling?

Answer (1 of 3): Preconception counselling plays a key role and is not taken seriously by patients as well as healthcare professionals. For example, Rubella immunity screening; by default, almost all the women in reproductive age group are Rubella immune, but, there are minority, who either have…

Age 15-26

Depending upon your age, your physical health, and your ovulation cycle, this may take you longer than others. Between the ages of 15 and 26, it shouldn’t take you longer than twelve months of actively trying to get pregnant. At this point, you need to make an appointment with your OBGYN to discuss the next step. He or she may be able to prescribe you medication to help you ovulate on a regular basis; this may help rather than having to be sent to a specialist.

For women at 27-35

However, if you are age 27 to 35 you should try for a maximum of six months. Also at this point, you will need to set up an appointment with your OBGYN to also discuss the options of medication to help you. Or you may be sent to a specialist. There are a few options as to where you could go after medication.

Some medications will fix it all

You will ovulate regularly and become pregnant without any more complications. Some medications don’t work and you must then return to the OBGYN and have things “checked out” yet again. At this appointment, your doctor will usually send you on to a fertility doctor to get a second opinion on what to do or to just allow that doctor to handle the issue at hand.

Once at a fertility doctor

Once at a fertility doctor, fertility tests will be run and the doctor will decide what the true problem is. For some couples, it can be the sperm of the male or a number of different issues with the female. In some cases, there is nothing that can be done to “fix” it, but in most, it just takes a little more medical help than others.

Depending on your age, and if you are actively trying to get pregnant, wait a minimum of 6 months prior to speaking to another doctor.

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